Practice Decoding Results Sections Quiz

Question 2

From Burns, E. C. (2020). Factors that support high school completion: A longitudinal examination of quality teacher-student relationships and intentions to graduate. Journal of Adolescence, 84, 180-189.

Longitudinal probit regression was used to assess the extent to which quality teacher-student relationships (QTSRs) and intentions to graduate predicted students’ graduation status. The longitudinal probit regression demonstrated excellent fit: χ2(37) = 231.90, p < .001; CFI = .980; RMSEA = .034; PAC = 99.9% (see Table 3). Here I report all significant substantive findings as relevant to the hypothesized model; Table 4 reports all significant and non-significant standardized regression coefficients. Regarding QTSR, grade 10 (G10) QTSRs positively predicted G10 intentions to graduate (β = .11, p < .001) and G11 intentions to graduate (β = .06, p < .01) beyond the auto-regressive effects of G10 intentions to graduate. This indicates that QTSRs support the internalization of positive intentions to graduate both in the immediate and long-term. G10 QTSRs also significantly predicted G12 completion (β = .07, p < .05), beyond G10 and G11 intentions to graduate, suggesting that QTSRs have long term benefits for students’ capacity to complete grade 12. Regarding intentions to graduate, G10 intentions to graduate positively predicted G11 intentions to graduate (β = .41, p < .001) and G12 completion (β = .19, p < .001). G11 intentions to graduate also positively predicted G12 completion (β = .31, p < .001). This suggests that intentions to graduate at different stages of high school are positively associated with G12 completion.

Grade 10 intentions to graduate did not significantly predict:

The regression between Grade 11 Intentions to Graduate and Completion of Grade 12 could be described as:

Which statement would accurately describe the regression between Grade 10 quality teacher student relationships and Grade 11 intentions to graduate: