Research in Writing

Teachers are expected to employ evidence-based practices. In-service teachers may need to reference the research they are relying on in emails, student documentation, or reports. Pre-service teachers are expected to meaningfully engage with research during their degree and while they write their assessment. Both in- and pre-service teachers may need to conduct and write up literature reviews or research reports if they conduct their own research. Because of this, it is important to be familiar with appropriate writing practices when you reference research – this ensures you are able to showcase how much research you have read and what you are drawing on in your writing. In educational psychology, we use the American Psychology Association (APA) referencing system.

APA Writing and Referencing Support

There are many valuable and effective APA referencing resources available. A select number of print and online resources are provided below that can provide assistance on the writing and referencing style of educational psychology. Reading published research can also act as an instructional worked example: how researchers incorporate research into their writing can be a helpful guide.

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020) (print)

APA Style Blog

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Writing a Research Journal Article/Report

1. Overview

Journal articles/reports follow consistent structures. This structure allows the research project to be justified, described, and explained in a clear and logical manner. It includes the following sections:

  • Abstract: Report summary for prospective readers
  • Introduction: Explanation and justification of the research question
  • Methods: Your participants, measures, and procedure
  • Results: The outcomes of your procedure
  • Discussion: Interpretation, explanation and implications of results
  • References: Resources used

Research reports are sometimes described as having an hourglass shape: moving from a general discussion of the research question and associated issues, to a more specific description of the current project, to a more general discussion of the findings and implications situated in the broader literature.

2. Abstract

The abstract is a brief yet comprehensive summary of the report, typically including the research question or issue, an overview of the methods and results, and a concluding statement about how the results answer the research question. The abstract allows prospective readers to quickly determine whether or not it is worth reading the full paper. Most readers will survey many abstracts at once, so it pays to create a good first impression.

What to Consider When Writing an Abstract

  • Limit your abstract to 100-150 words or less
  • Present the abstract on a separate page to the remaining report
  • Unless replicating another study, do not include references to past research

3. Introduction

The purpose of the introduction is to provide rationale for the research study. The introduction first highlights the general problem or research question that will be addressed by the study. It then discusses relevant background literature, and, in particular, past research findings; pointing out what is already known and what is not yet known about the problem. Finally, the introduction works down to a statement about the specific aims and/or hypotheses of the study.

Note the logical flow from ‘general’ to ‘specific’. Having read the introduction, it should be clear to the reader how your study addresses the research question and why this is important.

What to Consider When Writing an Introduction

  • The introduction about 1/3 the length of your total report.
  • Aims are statements about what you will investigate or determine, whereas hypotheses are predictions about your findings, based on previous research .
  • Assume your reader is in the same general field
  • Cite past literature
  • Critically analyse past research findings. Do results of different studies conflict with each other? Why might this be?
  • Distinguish between past research and theory. Did the authors conduct research to support their claims? If so, you can use words like ‘showed’ and ‘found’. If not, use words like ‘suggest’ and ‘propose’.
  • Ensure any hypotheses you propose are directly testable by your study
  • Avoid overusing direct quotes. Quotes should be used only when something cannot be said any other way, and should be referenced appropriately.
  • Do not yet refer to your own results. You will discuss these later in the report, once you have first explained your methodology.

4. Methods

The methods describes the study in more detail. It typically includes three subheadings in order:

  • Participants
  • Materials
  • Procedure

In the participants section the number of participants is noted, together with relevant demographic information about the sample or individuals such as age and gender. The recruiting methods is also described (e.g. Sixty first-year psychology students participated for course credit). In the materials section, any tests, questionnaires, and experimental apparatus are described. In the procedure, a description is given of how the study was actually run.

What to Consider When Writing a Methods Section

  • Allow 1/6 of the report, depending on the complexity
  • For simple studies, the materials and procedure may be combined
  • In complex studies, a design section may also be included
  • Provide sufficient detail that the study could be replicated
  • Provide subheadings for each section
  • Outline the reliability and validity of materials where relevant
  • For samples of many participants, provide descriptive statistics of demographic details: typically the mean and SD is appropriate
  • Do not identify participants. Use pseudonyms if needed
  • Rather than including entire scales and questionnaires, include example items and provide information (either citations or appendix) where readers can find the full measure.
  • Explain how your data was analysed
  • Do not include any results

    5. Results

    In the results section, the study outcomes are outlined. How this is done will depend on the kind of data you have: for example, an experiment with many participants may be analysed using inferential statistics, whereas a series of case studies may be analysed qualitatively for the key themes that emerge. In any case, the results section summarises the data and analysis. It does not explain the meaning or implications of these findings.

    What to Consider When Writing a Results Section

    • Allow 1/6 of the report, depending on complexity
    • Tables have headings above, and figures have titles below
    • Include all relevant findings, not just those that support the hypotheses
    • Use appropriate analyses for your data
    • For qualitative data, illustrate your themes (e.g. quotes for interviews)
    • For quantitative data, consider tables or figures to highlight key findings
    • Provide a verbal explanation of what tables/figures show, but do not repeat the actual data (numbers) contained within them.
    • Do not include your entire dataset (unless following specific pre-registration protocols)
    • Do not Provide any information that could identify your participants.
    • Alter or change your results to fit your hypotheses. If your hypotheses are not supported, this in itself is an interesting finding.
    • Include more than one table/graph/ in-text numbers for exactly the same data. Make sure each is a different focus, or says something new.
    • Provide evaluation or commentary. You will do this in the discussion

    6. Discussion

    The discussion is perhaps the most critical part of the report, in which the meaning and implications of the results are explored. It is the discussion, together with the introduction, that shows the reader evidence of application, integration and argument development across the report, and critical analysis. According to Dingfelder (2005), one of the most common mistakes in a discussion is to fail to respond to the research question originally posed.

    The discussion first summarises the key results, taking care to note whether or not these support the specific aims and/or hypotheses posed at the end of the introduction. Next, it provides an evaluation and interpretation of what these results mean, situating them in the broader field of literature. Whilst reference should primarily be made to the past research already included in the introduction, new literature may also need to be introduced in order to explain results that were unintended.

    Finally, after considering the meaning of the results in light of other research, the discussion should address the broader educational implications of the study together with any limitations noted. The final statement is a conclusion, summarising the report.

    What to Consider When Writing a Discussion

    • Make your discussion about 1/3 the length of your total report
    • Research builds up cumulatively. Your study is not expected to answer everything at once.
    • Provide a plausible explanation for why the findings might have occurred based on prior research and theory.
    • Consider whether your results support or refute past research
    • Use moderate and appropriately circumspect language. Are your statements supported by evidence? Causal language should be avoided unless discussing an experiment. Avoid overstating your findings, or their implications
    • Ensure the limitations you note could actually have altered the findings of the report. For example, if participants were tested in different rooms, does this matter? Irrelevant limitations may appear petty
    • Suggest future research to address any gaps or limitations you see
    • Include a strong conclusion to tie your report together
    • Do not take the report in a new direction. Respond to your original question and do not raise new issues in the conclusion

    7. Reference List

    The reference list provides the full details of any literature that have been previously cited in-text, using APA style. Note the distinction between a reference list, which includes only those resources mentioned in the report, and a bibliography, which includes all resources that have been read or used (irrespective of whether cited directly or not).

    What to Consider When Writing the Reference List

    • Your reference list is not included in your word limit, in-text references are typically included in your word limit
    • Use APA style
    • Start the reference list on a separate page
    • Do not include references at footnotes or as a bulleted/numbered list
    • Do not use a bibliography (i.e., do not include sources that you have not used in-text)

    Quick Guide for Writing a Literature Review

    An important component of the introduction to a research report.

    Acknowledgement: parts of the guide below have been adapted from:

    What is an introduction?

    The introduction to a research report serves a number of purposes. It:

    • introduces the problem or issue to be researched;
    • reviews or synthesises the relevant literature on this topic; and
    • uses this review to identify gaps in the literature and to frame the questions for
      your investigation.

    This guide focuses on the second dot point above – reviewing and synthesising literature.

    How do I review and synthesise the literature?

    One component of the introduction that often causes students difficulties is the literature review.

    The key challenge of writing this section is to avoid the trap of becoming swamped by an enormous volume of literature! With the availability of the search engines such as Google Scholar, and electronic databases it is very easy to accumulate a vast amount of information. The thought of having to read and summarise this literature can easily leave you feeling overwhelmed!

    Talbot and Verrinder (2008) suggest a number of strategies for avoiding this trap:

    • Make effective use of the library databases when conducting your initial search. This can help to ensure that the references you accumulate are tightly related to your area of focus. Further information about effective literature searching is provided in separate podcast.
    • Do not print everything you find.  Read the abstract, introduction and conclusion to determine the relevance of the article.
    • Having made a category of “relevant literature”, read it once and make a list of key themes discussed in the papers.  Check carefully the themes you have identified are relevant to your research questions.

    The purpose of a literature review is to determine the current state of knowledge about a particular topic by asking, “What do we know or not know about this issue?” In conducting this type of research, it is imperative to examine several different sources to determine where the knowledge overlaps and where it falls short. A literature review requires a synthesis of different subtopics to come to a greater understanding of the state of knowledge on a larger issue. It works very much like a jigsaw puzzle. The individual pieces (arguments) must be put together in order to reveal the whole (state of knowledge).

    A literature review is not a summary of relevant articles on a particular topic

    A literature review is more than a discussion of the results and arguments presented by researchers in a particular field. A well-structured review is organised by topic and subtopic rather than by author or article.

    For example, one section of a literature review might read:

    “Researcher A suggests that X is true. Researcher B also argues that X is true, but points out that the effects of X may be different from those suggested by Researcher A.”

    It is clear that subtopic X is the main idea covered in these sentences. Researchers A and B agree that X is true, but they disagree on X’s effects. There is both agreement and disagreement, but what links the two arguments is the fact that they both concern X.

    Examples of phrases you might use when synthesising literature:

    • The general consensus is that…
    • This is a view supported by…
    • Black & Williams (2001) reaffirms…
    • The view of Shepard differs…
    • This is reinforced by…
    • A general central theme exists…

    Organising the content using a matrix

    The first step is to organise the literature by theme. One approach for achieving this is to draw up a table (or literature review grid) in Microsoft Excel/Word or on A3 paper. An example of such a table is provided below: The table should be constructed to include the bibliographical details of each article (author, date, title, journal) down the left-hand column of the page and key themes across the top of the page. The middle cells are used for collecting notes about each of the themes.

    As you read the targeted articles in detail, complete the table one row at a time. Refer to the podcast “Writing an Introduction and Literature Review” for further explanation and examples of what this matrix might look like.

    Topic: Investigating the classroom concerns of pre-service science teachers
    Bibliograhic details
    Theme 1
    Subject content knowledge
    Theme 2
    Classroom management skills
    Theme 3
    Knowledge of relevant teaching strategies
    Article 1
    Berry (2006). Exploring pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Int. Journal Sci Educ. 3(2). Pages.9-12
    Content knowledge is basis for the development of appropriate strategies.
    Article 2
    Lane (2008). Exploring a teachers’ knowledge base. Geographical Research, 3(12) Pages 89-99.
    Classroom m’ment rates as main pedagogical concern for pre-service teachers.
    Professional development programs can help to improve the confidence of teachers in this area.
    Article 3
    Longsman (2003). Key concerns of trachers in training. International Journal of Teacher Education 30(10). Pages 2003-2020.
    Content knowledge alone = not sufficient for effective science instruction.
    Teachers unable to generate effective strategies without an understanding of concepts.

    Writing up your review

    Once you have completed the table your next task is to construct the review around the themes in the table.

    Remember, this section should provide an analysis and synthesis of the views presented in the literature…..It is NOT a collection of summaries or annotated bibliographies.

    The key here is to organise your thoughts by theme rather than author.

    1. Your first step is to determine the logical order of the themes

    2. Then, working vertically through the table, build paragraphs related to each theme, one at a time.

    3. Each paragraph should compare and contrast the findings of relevant studies rather than describe the articles. Ask yourself – what is useful or relevant about this research? Which scholars agree/disagree and why? What are the gaps in the literature?

    4. Having reviewed the literature you can use this to frame your research questions and aims. What is the key message from the literature review? Which topics/questions demand further investigation?

    Want more information about building a summary matrix?


    Talbot, L., & Verrinder, G. (2008). Turn a Stack of Papers into a Literature Review: Useful Tools for Beginners. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi- disciplinary Journal, 10(1), p.51-58.

    and watch…

    the podcast on “Writing an Introduction and Literature Review”


    Now that you have an idea of what synthesis is about find as many examples of synthesis as you can in the following article:

    Hilton, P. (1997) Theoretical perspectives in nursing: a review of the literature in Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, p.1211-1220.

    You can broaden your knowledge of nursing at the same time!!