Getting Involved
in Research

Building Connections with Researchers

You might want to build connections with researchers that have written papers and conducted research on topics that you are passionate about. Researchers love knowing that their work has helped a teacher and are generally more than happy to answer questions about their research specifically (but likely do not have time to answer general questions about education or psychology). Some have capacity to do collaborative <<action/design research>> with teachers as well. If you want to get in touch with a researcher, here is a template email.

Dear Dr. [Last Name],

My name is [Name] and I am a [describe teaching position]. I have read your research on [Topic] and found it really interesting and helpful. [Feel free to add examples of how it helped you]. I am getting in touch to ask a clarifying question. [Insert question]. I am passionate about learning more in this area so any advice or opportunities you could share would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.