Accessing Research

Assessing Quality of Research

Indicator of Quality

Where Information Can be Found
*If unsure of what these sections refer to, see Dissecting article section

Important Considerations

Is the research reported in a reputable outlet?

Front page of Publication

Reputable outlets include:

  • An article in a reputable journal. Check if the journal is listed as Q1 (green box) or Q2 (yellow box) on Scimago.
  • A government report
  • A report released by a reputable organisation (e.g., Mission Australia, The Black Dog Institute, OECD, etc.).

Research is referenced on reliable media outlets, such as major new organisations, The Conversation, Teacher Magazine, etc.? (reminder, if possible, to access the original research).

Is the purpose of the research clearly stated?



End of the Literature Review

The research should have clear and easily identifiable research questions/hypotheses.

 The research aims should clearly align with the questions/hypotheses.

Do the authors reference other reputable resources?

Reference List

Authors should be using other peer reviewed research to support their own.

Consider their reference list with the same criteria as that related to assessing if it a reputable outlet.

No reference list is a red flag of unreliable research.

Is there an adequate sample size for the study?



This will vary based on the methods used. There are general rules of thumbs that can be applied to ensure the findings of this research may generalise to your situation.

  • Qualitative studies, such as interviews and focus groups: around 10+ people.
  • Non-experimental Quantitative studies: around 100+ people.
  • Experimental Quantitative studies: XXX

Mixed methods studies: around 50+ people

Are the demographics and context of the participants accurately and comprehensively described and are these participants appropriate for the study?


The aims should indicate if the study is meant to focus on a specific group or the be representative of the broader population.

The sample characteristics should match these aims.

Are any research instruments valid and reliable for the participants of this study?


Qualitative research: the authors should report the “interrater reliability” in some capacity

Quantitative research: the authors should report if the instruments are reliable (via estimates of Cronbach’s alpha, coefficient omega, or ICC2). The authors should also indicate if the instrument has been used successfully in previous research

Do the claims the authors make align with the question that they asked?



The claims made should directly address the research questions and hypotheses.

The claims can extrapolate from the data, but these claims should be circumspect

The old adage applies here: “if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.”

Does the author base their comments on their data, on reasoning and evidence from other studies, or on speculation?
The strongest claims will come directly from data and analyses. If an author is simply reporting someone else’s findings, it is helpful to go to the original source.

Handy Links for Accessing Research

State/National Libraries and Archives
(examples, not exhaustive)

Peer Reviewed Journals with Open Access Articles.

Journals are Educational Psychology Journals, Developmental Psychology Journals, Psychology Journals that Publish Education Relevant Research, and General Education Journals that Publish Psychology

Please note that all journals have a different focus. We provide the impact factor as one indicator of quality, but journals vary substantially in their area of focus. Finding research relevant to your question(s) is important to consider alongside impact factor.

Journal Title

Impact Factor, as of 2021
(scores updated regularly)

Review of Educational Research 13.551
Educational Research Review 10.207
Educational Psychologist 9.541
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 8.460
Developmental Review 8.361
Educational Psychology Review 8.240
Review of Research in Education 7.300
Contemporary Educational Psychology 6.922
Journal of Educational Psychology 6.856
Learning and Instruction 6.636
Educational Researcher 6.386
Journal of School Psychology 6.033
Child Development 5.661
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 5.625
Behaviour Research and Therapy 5.231
Journal of The Learning Sciences 5.171
Journal of Counseling Psychology 5.088
Developmental Science 4.939
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 4.600
American Educational Research Journal 4.503
Developmental Psychology 4.497
Motivation and Emotion 4.135
Journal of Teacher Education 4.130
Interactive Learning Environments 3.928
Learning and Individual Differences 3.897
Counseling Psychologist 3.880
Teaching and Teacher Education 3.782
British Journal of Educational Psychology 3.744
Journal of Adolescence 3.675
Educational Review 3.605
Journal of Research on Adolescence 3.563
Cognition and Instruction 3.356
School Mental Health 3.325
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 3.280
Motivation Science 3.243
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 3.140
Educational and Psychological Measurement 3.088
Journal of Adolescent Research 3.000
Distance Education 2.952
School Psychology Quarterly 2.945
Educational Psychology 2.903
European Journal of Teacher Education 2.864
International Journal of Educational Research 2.845
European Journal of Psychology of Education 2.821
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 2.813
Journal of Studies in International Education 2.726
School Psychology Review 2.722
Cognition and Emotion 2.720
Metacognition and Learning 2.704
Studies In Educational Evaluation 2.704
British Journal of Educational Studies 2.647
Research Papers in Education 2.642
Journal of Experimental Education 2.623
Social Psychology of Education 2.614
Journal of Individual Differences 2.608
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 2.597
Journal of Cognition and Development 2.580
Memory 2.519
Educational Research 2.509
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 2.500
Journal of Behavioral Education 2.469
Journal of Counseling and Development 2.455
Comparative Education 2.453
Australian Educational Researcher 2.383
Theory Into Practice 2.329
Teachers and Teaching 2.306
Instructional Science 2.255
Journal of Early Adolescence 2.229
Cambridge Journal of Education 2.207
Early Education and Development 2.175
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2.148
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 2.148
British Educational Research Journal 2.133
School Psychology International 2.056
Oxford Review of Education 2.055
Mind Brain and Education 2.013
Journal of Early Intervention 1.925
Psychology in the Schools 1.923
International Journal of Educational Development 1.873
Journal of Educational Research 1.871
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1.811
Australian Psychologist 1.788
Elementary School Journal 1.667
The Elementary School Journal 1.667
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1.645
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 1.452
Educational Measurement-Issues and Practice 1.402
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1.275
Teachers College Record 1.134

Can’t find access the article that you are interested in?
Email the author to ask for a copy or use Open Access Button

Translational Outlets and Professional Organisations

Search Term Tips

  • University Library Catalouges (which includes databases such as ERIC and APA Psychnet), National/State Library Catalogues, or Google Scholar is recommended.
  • Use advanced search wherever possible. This helps the search engine look for combination of terms more efficiently.
  • Think of how your topic is referred to in different ways.
  • Examples: metacognition and self-regulation; self-efficacy and confidence; retention, recall, processing.
  • Consider if you want to know about a specific age group, (primary vs secondary), context (in-school, museum, etc), or subject (science, history, etc).